Getting started with python
Hello everyone, in this article I will be telling you guys about how to get started with python programming language.
Why python?
Python is one of the most popular computer programming language and it is widely used in data science and machine learning algorithms. It is high level language with very easy syntax which makes it easy for the beginners to learn python.
How to install python on your computer?
To install python go to the python's page ->
From there go to Downloads menu and download the software. Once the software is downloaded go ahead and install it as you install any other software.
If you are really interested in learning python I would highly recommend you to install this software on your computer.
How to install python on your phone?
There are many applications which enable you to run python on your phone. I personally prefer pydroid which is available for android phone on playstore.
Other ways to run python program!
If you don't want to install any software on your device you can try online interpreter:-
It requires you to sign up on their site. They have free and paid plans. I would recommend it only if you are beginner and want to run some basic program.
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